When using the Migrate Source JSON module, it requires that all data be on a single level. To properly perform a migration through JSON, we must make changes to the data you want to migrate. The two things we should look at are id and source.
- id
- source
The id contains references or values that make each record unique and source is the actual values we want to collect. Many times the id is also a source. For this example, we collect each of these values as a single extracted level. Once these settings are done, you should be able to be successfully migrate data through JSON.
class GmapJSONReader extends JSONReader {
public function getSourceFields($url) {
$items = parent::getSourceFields($url);
// Loop over the JSON values, walk the tree and extract as keyed values.
foreach ($items as &$item) {
if (isset($item['address_components']) && is_array($item['address_components'])) {
foreach ($item['address_components'] as $component) {
if (isset($component['long_name']) && isset($component['types']) && is_array($component['types'])) {
foreach ($component['types'] as $type) {
$item[$type] = $component['long_name'];
if (isset($item['geometry']['location']['lat'])) {
$item['lat'] = $item['geometry']['location']['lat'];
if (isset($item['geometry']['location']['lng'])) {
$item['lng'] = $item['geometry']['location']['lng'];
return $items;
class GmapTypeJSONReader extends JSONReader {
public function getSourceFields($url) {
$items = parent::getSourceFields($url);
$return = [];
// Loop over the JSON values and extract types
// as individual rows.
foreach ($items as &$item) {
if (isset($item['types']) && is_array($item['types'])) {
foreach ($item['types'] as $type)
// We need to use place_id as the identifier for parsing JSON
// in the parent class.
// But we are really wanting to import an individual type
// only once. So over-write the place_id with the type.
$return[] = [
'place_id' => $type,
'type' => $type,
return $return;
id: gmap
migration_tags: JSON
label: gmap
plugin: json_source
path: 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=40.714224,-73.961452'
Accept: application/json
identifier: place_id
identifierDepth: 1
readerClass: Drupal\d8_json_migrate\Plugin\migrate\GmapJSONReader
- place_id
- types
- street_address
- postal_code
- country
- locality
- administrative_area_level_1
plugin: default_value
default_value: gmaps
title: country
plugin: migration
migration: gmap_type
source: types
field_city: locality
field_country: country
field_postal_code: postal_code
field_state: administrative_area_level_1
field_street_address: street_address
plugin: 'entity:node'
template: null
migration_dependencies: {}
migration_group: JSON
id: gmap_type
migration_tags: JSON
label: 'gmap type'
plugin: json_source
path: 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=40.714224,-73.961452'
Accept: application/json
identifier: place_id
identifierDepth: 1
readerClass: Drupal\d8_json_migrate\Plugin\migrate\GmapTypeJSONReader
- type
name: type
plugin: default_value
default_value: address_type
plugin: 'entity:taxonomy_term'
template: null
migration_dependencies: { }
migration_group: JSON
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