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Lucas Hedding

Chief Drupal Architect


Lucas Hedding is skilled in all things technology.  From the late 90's working in an IT helpdesk, all through his time at several large and medium sized corporation, he's been adding to his skills.  Other technical aspects to Lucas are his knowledge of identity and access management, programming in Java, Perl, PHP, C and Korn shell or his strong business accumen from many years working in Corporate America.  One of his prouder moments was finding a bug in WebSphere's implementation of LDAP connectivity -- which IBM promptly fixed.

Lucas joined the Drupal community over lunch with a fellow IT professional in 2011 at a Thai resturant and has been hooked ever since.  He currently co-maintains several modules and is a core maintainer for the Migrate system since Drupal 8. He moved to Nicaragua in the fall of 2014 to grow the Drupal community in that country and provide job opportunities to nationals working with Drupal.

Lucas enjoys spending time with his wife Melissa and their growing family.  Many evenings you will find him at the dance studio watching his daughters practice ballet or the local soccer field watching his sons play a match.  He also enjoys reading Louis L'Amour, the Bible and classic poetry.


Git Skinny

 like Git way better than all the alternatives. I learn more things about it all the time. Even today, I wondered if there was an easier way to create nicely named patches automatically; and there is. Here's a run down of the more common tips and tricks I've learned.

Posted by Lucas Hedding on June 8, 2013

Help 4 OK

I had a wonderful chance to partake in an impromptu code sprint at DrupalCon Portland to help with the recovery of Moore, OK. I learned a lot; but more importantly I got to help with something that will have lasting impact on people recovering from the devestation of the recent tornado.

Posted by Lucas Hedding on May 28, 2013

Lucas Hedding