Apache Solr y Contenido Externo(no de Drupal)

Posted by Lucas Hedding on 25 de Octubre de 2012
Project Management
Strategy & Architecture

En un proyecto reciente, tuvimos algunos contenidos ajenos a Drupal que necesitaban ser indexados para que pudiéramos exponer dicho contenido al módulo de Apache Solr para la indexación con todo el resto del contenido creado en Drupal.Hay varias opciones para hacer esto, incluyendo el rastreo utilizando nutch.Sin embargo, en nuestro caso, el contenido se agarró como contenido XML de un servicio web. Ya teníamos una transformación XSLT para convertir en contenido HTML para incrustar en el sitio. En efecto, ya teníamos el contenido crudo y sabíamos todos los "entitys id" por lo que no había problemas en dicha cuestión.

Nuestro problema se convirtió en, "¿Cuál es la mejor manera de tomar el título y el texto del cuerpo de estos documentos y lanzarlos en la dirección de Solr". Nuestra solución implicó el uso de la clase ApacheSolrDocument de Apache Solr y un poco mas de la magia de drush. Puesto que hay varios miles de estos documentos de contenido externo, verá atención al rendimiento en todas partes.

Esta solución es muy extensible. Si tenemos que añadir un nuevo tipo de contenido, simplemente añadimos dos nuevas funciones, 'example_entity_ids_new_entity_type' & 'example_retrieve_documents_new_entity_type'. La primera función crea una tabla de entity_ids que necesitan ser creados y eliminados de Solr. La segunda función prepara un stdClass con todos los campos obligatorios.La última función, 'example_document_prepare' transfiere todos los datos del conjunto stdClass a la clase ApacheSolrDocument.

 * @file
 * External indexing for non-drupal.

 * @return array() $entity_ids
 *   The list of documents that should be added/deleted from the solr index
function example_entity_ids_external_content($force = FALSE) {
  $entity_ids['delete_ids'] = array();
  $entity_ids['create_ids'] = array();

  // Retrieve the external_content entity ids using the SOAP veneer
  $cid = 'example_documentIds';
  $response = external_content_api('GetIDs', array(
    'localizationCode' => 'en-us'
  ), $cid);

  // Cache the entity ids
  cache_set($cid, $response, 'cache_external_content');

  // Grab only the entity ids
  $response_entity_ids = $response->GetIDsResult->string;

  // Check if there are any new entities to index in solr
  if ($force || $response_entity_ids != variable_get('example_external_content', array())) {
    // Calculate the ids that need to be deleted from the index
    $delete_entity_ids = variable_get('example_external_content', array());
    $entity_ids['delete_ids'] = array_diff($delete_entity_ids, $response_entity_ids);

    // Assign list of entity ids that need to be created in the index
    $entity_ids['create_ids'] = response_entity_ids;

    // Put away the new list of entity ids
    variable_set('example_external_content', $response_entity_ids);

  return $entity_ids;
 * This takes entity ids and returns a structured array of documents
 * The document object should contain:
 *   $document->entity_id (string or long)
 *   $document->entity_type (string)
 *   $document->title (string)
 *   $document->body (string>
 *   $document->path (string)
 *   $document->language (optional string)
 * @param string array $entity_ids
 *   The external_content entity ids to index in solr
 * @return array() $documents
 *   stdClass array of documents to index
function example_retrieve_documents_external_content($entity_ids = array()) {
  $documents = array();
  foreach ($entity_ids as $i => $entity_id) {
    $cid = $entity_id;
    $response = external_content_api('GetDocument', array(
      'ext_id' => $entity_id,
    ), $cid);
    cache_set($cid, $response, 'cache_external_content');
    $xml_document = new DOMDocument;
    $xml_document = external_content_transform($xml_document, 'content');
    $html_document = new DOMDocument();
    // DOMDocument complains about malformed html, get rid of these errors
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($html_document);

    $document = new stdClass();
    $document->entity_id = $entity_id;
    $document->entity_type = 'external_content';
    $document->title = $xpath->query('//h1[@id="ContentTitle"]')->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $document->body = $xpath->query('//div[contains(@class, "BodySection")]')->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $document->path = 'external_content/' . $entity_id;
    $documents[] = $document;

    // Helpful in dev environments where we don't really need to index every external_content document
    if ($i == variable_get('example_external_content_limit', 100)) {
  return $documents;

 * @param array $documents
 *   The stdClass array of documents to index
function example_document_prepare($documents = array()) {
  $solr_documents = array();

  foreach ($documents as $document) {
    // Since we can't use drupal's nid, make sure we get a mostly unique numeric entity id
    // Still a possible chance of clashes since we have to trim the number to 18 positions
    $entity_id_hash = substr(base_convert(sha1($document->entity_id), 16, 10), 0, 18);

    $solr_document = new ApacheSolrDocument();
    $solr_document->addField('id', apachesolr_document_id($entity_id_hash, $document->entity_type));
    $solr_document->addField('site', url(NULL, array(
      'absolute' => TRUE
    $solr_document->addField('hash', apachesolr_site_hash());

    $solr_document->addField('entity_id', $entity_id_hash);
    $solr_document->addField('entity_type', $document->entity_type);
    $solr_document->addField('bundle', $document->entity_type);
    $solr_document->addField('bundle_name', ucwords($document->entity_type));
    $solr_document->addField('path', $document->path);
    $solr_document->addField('url', url($document->path, array(
      'absolute' => TRUE
    $solr_document->addField('language', $document->language ? $document->language : LANGUAGE_NONE);
    $solr_document->addField('label', apachesolr_clean_text($document->title));
    $content = apachesolr_clean_text($document->body);
    $solr_document->addField('content', $content);
    $solr_document->addField('teaser', truncate_utf8($content, 300, TRUE));
    $solr_documents[$entity_id_hash] = $solr_document;
  return $solr_documents;

El paso final es conducir todo con un script de drush. Es un script bastante simple. La única cosa especial en él es que es un medio para "forzar" un re-índice de todo el contenido. 


 * @file
 *   example drush commands.

 * Implementation of hook_drush_command().
 * @return
 *   An associative array describing your command(s).
function example_drush_command() {
  $items = array();

  $items['example-solr-index'] = array(
    'callback' => 'drush_example_index',
    'description' => dt('Indexes specified content.'),
    'arguments' => array(
      'types' => dt('A space delimited list of entity types to be re-indexed.'),
    'options' => array(
      'force' => dt('Optional. Re-indexes all content of specified entity type.')
    'examples' => array(
      'drush example-solr-index external-content' => dt('Indexes all un-indexed external-content entities.'),
      'drush example-solr-index --force external-content' => dt('Re-indexes all external-content entities.'),
    'aliases' => array(

  return $items;

 * Implements hook_drush_help().
 * This function is called whenever a drush user calls
 * 'drush help <name-of-your-command>'
 * @param string $section
 *   A string with the help section (prepend with 'drush:')
 * @return string
 *   A string with the help text for your command.
function example_drush_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'drush:example-solr-index':
      return dt("Indexes specified content. If you want to re-index all content, specify --force.");

 * Selectively (re)-index content from the solr index.
 * Each argument is a filter on what to (re)-index .
 * They are of the form entity (to (re)-index all content of that
 * entity).
function drush_example_index() {
  module_load_include('inc', 'apachesolr', 'apachesolr.index');
  module_load_include('inc', 'example', 'example_external_index');

  $args = func_get_args();
  $force = drush_get_option('force', FALSE);
  $env_id = apachesolr_default_environment();

  if (count($args) > 0) {
    foreach ($args as $entity_type) {
      // Retrieve the entity ids
      $function_name = _example_function_name('example_entity_ids_', $entity_type);
      $entity_ids = call_user_func($function_name, $force);

      // Delete documents from index
      foreach ($entity_ids['delete_ids'] as $entity_id) {
        apachesolr_index_delete_entity_from_index($env_id, $entity_type, $entity_id);

      // Retrieve the new documents
      $function_name = _example_function_name('example_retrieve_documents_', $entity_type);
      $documents = call_user_func($function_name, $entity_ids['create_ids']);

      // Prepare the new documents
      $documents = example_document_prepare($documents);

      // Force replacement of all index entries
      if ($force) {
        $docs_chunk = array_chunk($documents, 20, TRUE);
        foreach ($docs_chunk as $docs) {
          foreach ($docs as $entity_id => $doc) {
            apachesolr_index_delete_entity_from_index($env_id, $entity_type, $entity_id);
          apachesolr_index_send_to_solr($env_id, $docs);
        // Create the new index entries
      else {
        apachesolr_index_send_to_solr($env_id, $documents);
  else {
    drush_set_error('An entity type must be specified');

  drush_print(t('Done (re)-indexing : ' . implode(' ', $args)));

function _example_function_name($prefix, $suffix) {
  $function_name = $prefix . $suffix;
  if (!is_callable($function_name)) {
    throw new ErrorException(ucwords($suffix) . ' not implemented correctly.  Function missing: ' . $function_name,
  return $function_name;

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Apache Solr y Contenido Externo(no de Drupal)